

1. Rock Cycle Summary

  The rock cycle is the process that changes rocks from one rock from one another rock over time. This cycle is countinuous and it constantly occuring all over earth. Igneous rock sediments by winds
or other thing else bring to other areas(weathering and erusion), then they pressure and comentated to form sedimentary rock.that is how the sedimentary rock became magma by melting.

-Metamorphic rock: Meatamorphic rock formed metamorphism.
-magma : melt rock inside of volcano.
-lava: .cool down magma outside of  valcano.
-solidification: liquid change to solid.
-igneous rock:cooling down of magma
-erusion:move to other area.
-compaction:push together
-cementation:glue together
-sedimentary rock: it's formed by sands, soil,etc.

3.rock type

Metamorphic rock: foliated(has the layers) , non-foliated (no layers)                                                              
Igneous rock:intrustive rock and extrutive rock

extrutive rock
intrustive rock

Sendimentary rock:clastic(sediments),crystalline(cystals) and bioclastic(died aniamls)

Mineal and Cystal

1. crystals summary
In Crystal Growth lab, we learned rocks formed by minerals.Minerals are formed by evaporating and crystallized(dissolve in water).Mineral at least has the 3 or more than 3 rocks. Then we started the experiments. We made a solution by mixing the minerals with water at frist. Then we waited because we needed to let the minerals to grow. The minerals became thecrystal. Crystal is a solid object that has three or more sides. If doesn't disslove even has more starring. This means the solution is saturated.

 2.mineral proberty

-color: green,blue,red,brown,etc

- Luster : Metalli and non-metallic

Metallic luster

-Streak: color of mineral

-Hardness: scale 1-10

-Cleavege: evenly

-Fracture: unevenly

-Composition: chemicals of minerals

3.Mineral identification
Talc:Non-metallic luster- look like metal
white to green
Streak- White to green

Silver to gray colors




1. Science is your learn something about the Biological.
2. I like to shopping.
3. Cockroach scraed me.
4.  Shishu is my favorite food.
5. I will be a nurse when i grow up.
6. I have 1 sibling.
7. My favorite color is blue.
8. My favorite thing to do is sports.
9. Watch out learning.
10. I wish i would be a useful peoson.